4 Reasons Why Bexley, Ohio Homeowners Should Get a Fall Tune-up in September

Sep 1, 2024 | Fall, Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Tune-up, Warranty, Weather, Winter

Getting your furnace serviced in September is a smart move for several reasons: the current weather, good timing, the upcoming season, and the safety aspect. At Bexley Heating & Cooling, we want to ensure our valued customers are fully prepared for fall and even winter.

Skipping a safety and tune-up check could mean overlooking potential issues with your furnace when you’ll need it the most. So, without further ado, let’s discuss the four reasons why we believe tuning up your furnace in September is a great idea! 

The Weather Is Ideal for a Fall Tune-up   

You might be wondering, “Why now?” Great question! Well, it actually makes sense to get your furnace tuned up this month. This is because industry standards suggest having your furnace checked before its first use of the season, which, for most people, means scheduling this service at the end of summer or the start of fall. Remember, this year in 2024, fall officially begins on September 22nd!  

So, with that in mind, when your furnace is serviced, it will need to be turned off so our technicians can safely and thoroughly inspect it. As such, scheduling this HVAC service for this month is the best choice, considering the weather. 

The Time of the Year Is Ideal for a Fall Tune-up   

Additionally, throughout the year, HVAC repairs, replacements, and upgrades are in high demand. However, in the fall, the need for air conditioners drops significantly, making September less hectic in the HVAC industry. So, what does this mean for you? You’ll probably be among the first to get your appointment booked. Avoid the last-minute rush and schedule your tune-up and safety check now! 

The Next Season Is Coming, So It’s Ideal to Book a Fall Tune-up Now 

We know the order of the seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. We know what comes next; so why not prepare for the winter well beforehand? Now is the perfect time to prepare for the upcoming cold season. It’s smart to schedule your annual furnace tune-up and safety check in early fall. This way, you can get your heating unit ready for Ohio’s bitter winter weather ahead. After all, the last thing you want in the peak of winter is for your furnace to malfunction, especially when a simple fall tune-up could have prevented it. 

Safety Reasons Are an Ideal Reason to Book a Fall Tune-up 

Did you know carbon monoxide poisoning is common in winter? This usually happens because of the increased use of furnaces, chimneys, and gas lines. According to the National Safety Council, it’s strongly advised to have your furnace, water heater, or any coal-burning appliance serviced by a licensed technician once a year. Neglecting this can be harmful to you, your family, and your home. By keeping up with your annual furnace checkups, you can ensure it runs well during the cold months and give your technician the chance to spot and fix any potential issues ahead of time. 

In short, we strongly believe that scheduling your fall HVAC tune-up in September is the best course of action for homeowners. However, we also understand that life can get in the way, and things may get delayed despite our best intentions. If September passes you by, don’t worry! You can still schedule your furnace tune-up in October or early November.  

Lastly, remember that staying on top of your yearly furnace maintenance checks helps keep your manufacturer’s warranty valid. If that’s not a clear reason to schedule your tune-up, we don’t know what is!   

Call Bexley Heating & Cooling today at (614) 924-7856, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!